In my opinion, Fight Club is undoubtedly a revolution in filming. It is my favorite movie because of it's various storytelling methods, motifs, subliminal messages, and dark humor. For those of you have watched the film, how could you ever forget the story. For those who haven't watched the movie, "You haven't lived". However, I will provide a very brief summary.
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Tyler Durden in Combat |
After much thought I began to read in between the lines. The protagonist was unnamed because he represented the men of America who have been raised by society to live up to their standards. A generation of men raised by women, with the expectation of getting whatever jobs the economy allowed them. Tyler Durden however represented the hopes and aspirations of men. In society men follow the laws of society, but on the inside these men want to rebel. They want to drop the things they have been taught to value and follow whatever desires their hearts seek.
To the left is one of the famous quotes from the film that expresses the philosophy of letting go of the societal standards that doesn't truly matter but we allow to control our every action. People get jobs that they don't truly want in order to get money for things they don't truly need. We all want to buy that Ferrari, but it isn't because we truly need it. It's because we want to not only make others envious, but we want to attract others. But why do we use expensive objects in order to attract others while society pretends to frown upon materialistic people. That is one of the many lessons Tyler Durden taught not only his brotherhood but he taught me. In conclusion, BEST FILM EVER!